Results of 'WHO' in All

5 results of 'WHO' in all were found

Under the slogan "Health for All", the WHO office in Cairo will organize a celebration and a seminar on World Health Day next Wednesday at the headquarters of the Organization in Nasr City.

Regulatory authorities act as a guardian that ensures the safety, efficacy and quality of drugs available to the public, to identify the strengths and weaknesses of drug regulation and to propose strategies to improve drug regulation.

World Health Organization, Good laboratory practice (GLP) is the recognized rules governing the conduct of non-clinical safety studies. They ensure the quality, integrity and reliability of study data.

World Health Organization, Quality assurance of pharmaceuticals : a compendium of guidelines and related materials. Vol. 2, Good manufacturing practices and inspection

World Health Organization - Quality Assurance of Pharmaceuticals - A Compendium of Guidelines and Related Materials - Volume 1
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